Friday, January 16, 2015

Tag: Seven Deadly Sins of Makeup

I've been seeing this tag on a lot of blogs lately and decided to do one myself!

1. GREED: What is your most inexpensive beauty item? What is your most expensive?
My least expensive beauty products are the Bonnebell Lipglosses that I bought for $1 during an inventory clearance sale at Shoppers Drugmart!
The most expensive item I have is the Guerlain Meteorites Powder at $68, I own Clair 02 and use it daily as my highlighter! I absolutely love this stuff!

2. WRATH: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationships with?
It would definitely be cream products like cream eye shadow. First of all cream eye shadows look amazing but they tend to crease or disappear over time because of my oily lids! However I love the convenience of just using my fingers to create a quick and easy look! I'm currently really likely the E.L.F Smudge pots, I don't have any trouble with them so far! 

3. GLUTTONY: What brand takes up most of your collection?
 I feel like I have a good selection of brands in my collection but Rimmel takes the cake only because of the sheer number of Rimmel lipsticks that I own from them! Second would be Relvon.

4. SLOTH: What beauty products do you neglect due to laziness?
There are many things I could write in this section but I am really lazy with lotions and creams! My skin is super dry and I have quite the stash of creams in my drawers but I'm just so tired by the end of the day I "forget" about the lotioning process.

5. PRIDE: What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?
Everyone can agree with me that concealer is on the top of their list! On days where I have barely enough sleep, I apply concealer on and no one notices how tired I really am!  I've been using the Etude House stick concealer on the regular, if more coverage is needed I use the Missha Signature concealer! 

6. LUST: Which item is top of your beauty wishlist?
Anything Jill Stuart! It is really hard to get a hold of Jill Stuart Makeup (I think it is only available in Japan) and it is also on the pricey side! If you google it you'll see why!

7. ENVY: Which makeup product is great on others but not on you?
Bronzer. I have a baby face, so when I apply bronzer it just doesn't work out too well!

I hope you enjoyed my answers, now I would love to see your versions of the tag!
Feel free to link me in the comments sections!

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